dataloader module¶
Module handling input files. 1. read in input fire shapefile. 2. read in input csv file of ignition points, and convert it to shapefile of the same projection as fire shp. 3. optionally parsing the big input files into chunks for parallel processing and saving time.
read_fireshp(path_n_file_name, daily=False)
Load the files with the final and daily fire perimeters and prepares the data
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path_n_file_name |
string |
path and file name of fire perimeter shapefile |
required |
Type | Description |
GeoDataFrame |
ignition point fire ID and geometry |
Source code in postbp/
def read_fireshp(path_n_file_name, daily=False):
"""Load the files with the final and daily fire perimeters and prepares the data
path_n_file_name (string): path and file name of fire perimeter shapefile
GeoDataFrame: ignition point fire ID and geometry
# check whether it is a daily progression shapefile
fire = gpd.read_file(path_n_file_name, driver = 'ESRI Shapefile') #columns=columns,
# as geopands has malfunction in reading only the columns being specified, we manually redundantly do it again here
if daily:
fire = fire[['fire', 'iteration', 'day', 'geometry']]
fire = fire[['fire', 'iteration', 'geometry']]
# some BP3 fireshp data does not have valid prj, it needs to have a warning to the users
if not
print('The fire perimeter shapefile does not have a valid projection, please set a valid SRID.')
return fire
read_pointcsv(path_n_file_name, SRID, **kwargs)
Load the fire ignition points if this information is provided as a comma-delimited .csv file
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path_n_file_name |
string |
path and file name of fire ignition points shapefile |
required |
spatial reference identifiers (SRID) |
required |
x_col |
str |
column name of x coordinates, default to be 'x_coord' |
required |
y_col |
str |
column name of x coordinates, default to be 'y_coord' |
required |
Type | Description |
GeoDataFrame |
ignition point fire ID and geometry |
Source code in postbp/
def read_pointcsv(path_n_file_name, SRID, **kwargs):
"""Load the fire ignition points if this information is provided as a comma-delimited .csv file
path_n_file_name (string): path and file name of fire ignition points shapefile
SRID (CRS): spatial reference identifiers (SRID)
x_col (str): column name of x coordinates, default to be 'x_coord'
y_col (str): column name of x coordinates, default to be 'y_coord'
GeoDataFrame: ignition point fire ID and geometry
if "x_col" in kwargs:
x_col = kwargs['x_col']
x_col = 'x_coord'
if "y_col" in kwargs:
y_col = kwargs['y_col']
y_col = 'y_coord'
#### read in BurnP-3 output ignition point csv file
points = pd.read_csv(path_n_file_name)
# points.columns=points.columns.str.strip()
points['geometry'] = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(points[x_col], points[y_col])]
# note: make sure ignition points and fire shape are of the same projection, below it directly set by prj
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(points, crs = SRID, geometry = points['geometry'] )
points = points[['fire', 'iteration', 'geometry']]
return points
read_pointshp(path_n_file_name, **kwargs)
Load the ignition points if the data is provided as X-Y coordinates in separate columns in the attribute table of the ESRI shapefile with fire perimeters (or in a separate ESRI point shapefile)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
path_n_file_name |
str |
path and file name of fire ignition points shapefile |
required |
x_col |
str |
column name of x coordinates, default to be 'x_coord' |
required |
y_col |
str |
column name of x coordinates, default to be 'y_coord' |
required |
Type | Description |
GeoDataFrame |
ignition point fire ID and geometry |
Source code in postbp/
def read_pointshp(path_n_file_name, **kwargs):
"""Load the ignition points if the data is provided as X-Y coordinates in separate columns in the attribute table of the ESRI shapefile with fire perimeters (or in a separate ESRI point shapefile)
path_n_file_name (str): path and file name of fire ignition points shapefile
x_col (str): column name of x coordinates, default to be 'x_coord'
y_col (str): column name of x coordinates, default to be 'y_coord'
GeoDataFrame: ignition point fire ID and geometry
if "x_col" in kwargs:
x_col = kwargs['x_col']
x_col = 'x_coord'
if "y_col" in kwargs:
y_col = kwargs['y_col']
y_col = 'y_coord'
#### read in BurnP-3 output ignition point csv file
points = gpd.read_file(path_n_file_name, driver='ESRI Shapefile')
## check geometry to be point or polygon
if points.geom_type.str.contains("Point").all():
points = points[['fire', 'iteration', 'geometry']]
points = points[['fire', 'iteration']]
points['geometry'] = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(points[x_col], points[y_col])]
# note: make sure ignition points and fire shape are of the same projection, below it directly set by prj
points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(points, crs = SRID, geometry = points['geometry'] )
points = points[['fire', 'iteration', 'geometry']]
return points
if encounter error message of invalid geometry, use this function to convert invalid geometry to valid ones
Name | Type | Description | Default |
fireshp |
GeoDataFrame |
fire perimeter dataset with fire ID (and iteration ID) and geometry |
required |
Type | Description |
GeoDataFrame |
return validified geodataframe |
Source code in postbp/
def validify_fireshp(fireshp):
"""if encounter error message of invalid geometry, use this function to convert invalid geometry to valid ones
fireshp (GeoDataFrame): fire perimeter dataset with fire ID (and iteration ID) and geometry
GeoDataFrame: return validified geodataframe
from shapely.validation import make_valid
fireshp.geometry = fireshp.apply(lambda row: make_valid(row.geometry) if not row.geometry.is_valid else row.geometry, axis=1)
return fireshp