dailyfirevectors module¶
Module to processing daily progression of fire
Calculate angle from three points: ignition point and the points where fire spread from and to.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
record |
dataframe |
a row of the output from generate_daily_vectors function |
required |
Type | Description |
degree value |
the value of beta angle, i.e. the angle between the line connecting ignition point and starting point of fire, and the line connecting the hexagon nodes that a fire spreading from and to. |
Source code in postbp/dailyfirevectors.py
def angle(record):
"""Calculate angle from three points: ignition point and the points where fire spread from and to.
record (dataframe): a row of the output from generate_daily_vectors function
degree value: the value of beta angle, i.e. the angle between the line connecting ignition point and starting point of fire, and the line connecting the hexagon nodes that a fire spreading from and to.
x0, y0 = record['geometry_x'].x, record['geometry_x'].y
x1, y1 = record['geometry'].x, record['geometry'].y
x2, y2 = record['geometry_y'].x, record['geometry_y'].y
xv1, yv1 = x1-x0, y1-y0
xv2, yv2 = x2-x0, y2-y0
deg1 = (360 + degrees(atan2(xv1, yv1))) % 360
deg2 = (360 + degrees(atan2(xv2, yv2))) % 360
return deg2 - deg1 if deg1 <= deg2 else 360 - (deg1 - deg2)
calc_angles(vectors, nodes, **kwargs)
Calculate beta angle for every pair of vectors of fire spread
Name | Type | Description | Default |
vectors |
dataframe |
outputs from generate_daily_vectors function |
required |
nodes |
GeoDataFrame |
centroid points of the hexagonal patch network |
required |
Type | Description |
dataframe |
a dataframe containing geometry of i, j, ignition point and beta angle value of each vector |
Source code in postbp/dailyfirevectors.py
def calc_angles(vectors, nodes, **kwargs):
"""Calculate beta angle for every pair of vectors of fire spread
vectors (dataframe): outputs from generate_daily_vectors function
nodes (GeoDataFrame): centroid points of the hexagonal patch network
dataframe: a dataframe containing geometry of i, j, ignition point and beta angle value of each vector
node = nodes.copy()
if 'Node_ID' in kwargs:
node = node.rename(columns={kwargs["Node_ID"]: 'Node_ID'})
vectorsW = vectors.copy()
vectorsW = node.merge(vectors, left_on='Node_ID', right_on='column_i', how='right')
vectorsW = vectorsW.merge(node, left_on='column_j', right_on='Node_ID', how='left')
vectorsW = vectorsW.merge(node, left_on='ignPt', right_on='Node_ID', how='left')
vectorsW.drop(labels = ['Node_ID_x', 'Node_ID_y', 'Node_ID'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
#### note that 'geometry_x':origin; 'geometry_y':destination; 'geometry':ignition
for index, row in tqdm(vectorsW.iterrows()):
vectorsW.at[index, 'angle'] = angle(row)
vectorsW.at[index, 'angle'] = 181 # when origin is identical to ignition
vectorsW.loc[vectorsW['day'] == 999, 'angle'] = 361 # from ignition to all hexes in perimeter
vectorsW.loc[vectorsW['day'] == 1, 'angle'] = 181 # in day 1: origin is identical to ignition
vectorsW.drop_duplicates(subset = ['day', 'column_j', 'fire', 'ignPt', 'column_i'], keep = 'first', inplace = True)
return vectorsW
generate_daily_vectors(fireshp, ignition, hexagons, bufferFactor=10, **kwargs)
Generate fire spreading vectors from the daily fire spread perimeters
1 2 3 4 5 |
it shall be small enough so as not to have ignition point locates in more than one hexagons it also defines threshold for the minimum area of fire perimeter to be in a hexagon to be regarded as burned. Defaults to 10.
1 2 |
Source code in postbp/dailyfirevectors.py
def generate_daily_vectors(fireshp, ignition, hexagons, bufferFactor=10, **kwargs):
"""Generate fire spreading vectors from the daily fire spread perimeters
fireshp (GeoDataFrame): the daily fire perimeter geometry with fire ID and day of spread as attributes
ignition (GeoDataFrame): ignition point shapes with fire ID field in attributes
hexagons (GeoDataFrame): geometry of hexagonal patches with ID field
bufferFactor (int, optional): convert ignition point into a circle polygon of the diameter of bufferFactor
it shall be small enough so as not to have ignition point locates in more than one hexagons it also defines threshold for the minimum area of fire perimeter to be in a hexagon to be regarded as burned. Defaults to 10.
DataFrame: a dataframe table containing fire starting hexagon ID (i), destination hexagon ID (j), 'day', fire ID, and ignition hexagon ID
hexagon = hexagons.copy()
if 'Node_ID' in kwargs:
hexagon = hexagon.rename(columns={kwargs["Node_ID"]: 'Node_ID'})
threshold = 3.1415926*bufferFactor**2 - 1
SRID = fireshp.crs
df = pd.DataFrame()
dfMore = pd.DataFrame()
for i in tqdm(np.unique(fireshp['fire'])):
fire_i = fireshp.loc[fireshp['fire'] == i]
pts_i = ignition.loc[ignition['fire'] == i]
pts_ni = gpd.sjoin(pts_i, hexagon, how = 'inner', op = 'within')
##### ignition point to all hexes
dmax = max(fire_i['day'])
fire_idmax = fire_i.loc[fire_i['day'] == dmax]
dfDmax = prj2hex(fire_idmax, hexagon, threshold)
dfMore = pd.DataFrame([e for e in itertools.product(pts_ni['Node_ID'], dfDmax['Node_ID'])], columns=['column_i', 'column_j'])
# from ignition point to all other hexes in the fire perimeters (as regular fire vectors) are stored by day=999
dfMore['day'] = 999
dfMore.drop(dfMore.loc[dfMore['column_i'] == dfMore['column_j']].index, inplace = True)
#### leading edge
leadEdge = list(pts_ni['Node_ID'])
shpDB4 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs = SRID, geometry = pts_i.buffer(bufferFactor))
for d in range(1, max(fire_i['day'])+1):
fire_id = fire_i.loc[fire_i['day'] == d]
fire_idn = prj2hex(fire_id, hexagon, threshold)
## hexagons in the fireshed of previous day
lstDB4 = prj2hex(shpDB4, hexagon, threshold)
lstDB4 = list(lstDB4['Node_ID'])
## hexagons to be spread
listCur = list(fire_idn.loc[~fire_idn['Node_ID'].isin(lstDB4)]['Node_ID'])
#### consider when two days spread overlap in hexagon projections, hence listCur is empty
if listCur:
dfTemp = pd.DataFrame([e for e in itertools.product(leadEdge, listCur)], columns = ['column_i', 'column_j'])
dfTemp['day'] = d
dfTemp = pd.DataFrame()
dfMore = pd.concat([dfMore, dfTemp]) #, sort = False
dfMore.drop_duplicates(subset = ['column_i', 'column_j', 'day'], keep = 'first', inplace = True)
#### update fireshed shape by merging fireshed of t with t-1
shpDB4 = fire_id.copy()
shpEx = gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs = SRID, geometry = shpDB4.exterior.buffer(1))
shpExHex = prj2hex(shpEx, hexagon, threshold = 0)
leadEdgeC = list(shpExHex['Node_ID'])
leadEdgeN = [x for x in leadEdgeC if x not in lstDB4]
if leadEdgeN:
leadEdge = leadEdgeN
dfMore = dfMore.reset_index(drop = True)
dfMore.drop_duplicates(subset = ['column_i', 'column_j', 'day'], keep = 'first', inplace = True)
dfMore['fire'] = i
dfMore['ignPt'] = pts_ni['Node_ID'].item()
df = pd.concat([df, dfMore], sort = True)
except Exception as e:
with open("errorlog_dailyfire.txt", "w+") as f:
f.write(f'{e} occurs for fire ID # {i} \n')
return df
select_angle(vectors_with_angle, alpha)
Select intended angle of fire spread sector
Name | Type | Description | Default |
vectors_with_angle |
dataframe |
outputs from calc_angles function |
required |
alpha |
degree |
fire spread sector angle (alpha angle), value from 0 to 360 |
required |
Type | Description |
dataframe |
a dataframe containing geometry of i, j, ignition point and beta angle value of each vector |
Source code in postbp/dailyfirevectors.py
def select_angle(vectors_with_angle, alpha):
"""Select intended angle of fire spread sector
vectors_with_angle (dataframe): outputs from calc_angles function
alpha (degree): fire spread sector angle (alpha angle), value from 0 to 360
dataframe: a dataframe containing geometry of i, j, ignition point and beta angle value of each vector
maxAngle = alpha/2+180
minAngle = 180-alpha/2
vectorsV = vectors_with_angle.copy()
vectorsV.drop(vectorsV.loc[vectorsV['angle'] > maxAngle].index, inplace = True)
vectorsV.drop(vectorsV.loc[vectorsV['angle'] < minAngle].index, inplace = True)
vectorsV.sort_values(by = ['fire','day'], inplace = True)
vectorsV.reset_index(drop = True, inplace = True)
return vectorsV